Vestibular Neuritis



1. Sudden onset of vertigo

2. Episodes lasting hours to days

3. Unsteadiness, nausea, vomiting

4. Symptoms worsened by head movements

5. History: Often preceded by a viral infection



i. Symptomatic Treatment:

ii. Antiemetics: Medications like prochlorperazine to control nausea and vomiting.

iii. Vestibular Suppressants: Medications like meclizine or dimenhydrinate to reduce vertigo.

iv. Bed Rest and Hydration: Ensuring the patient remains hydrated and rests to alleviate symptoms.

v. Address Underlying Cause:

vi. Treating any concurrent or preceding viral infections if identified.



. Clinical Diagnosis:

. Based on the sudden onset of symptoms and the patient’s history, often supported by a recent viral infection.

. Exclusion of Other Causes:

. Ensure no other neurological deficits or hearing loss to differentiate from other conditions like labyrinthitis or central causes of

. vertigo.