


1. Tachycardia
2. Sweating
3. Confusion
4. Altered mentation
5. Dizziness
6. Unresponsiveness

Common Causes:

i. Alcohol consumption
ii. Liver failure
iii. Excessive intake of medications like paracetamol or aspirin
iv. Use of sulfonylureas (e.g., glyburide, glibenclamide)


Immediate Testing:
. Random Blood Glucose Level: A quick bedside glucose test to confirm hypoglycaemia.
Further Diagnostic Steps:
. Serum Insulin and C-peptide Levels: To differentiate between endogenous and exogenous insulin sources if necessary.
. Serum Electrolytes: To identify any associated electrolyte imbalances.

Whipple’s Triad:
. Low plasma glucose level (usually <4 mmol/L).
. Symptoms of hypoglycaemia (e.g., sweating, confusion, tachycardia).
. Resolution of symptoms upon correction of blood glucose levels.


Management of Hypoglycaemia


Condition Management
Conscious and able to swallow Give 200 ml of fruit juice
Conscious but unable to swallow 200 ml of 10% glucose IV


1 mg glucagon IM or SC

Unconscious 75 ml of 20% glucose IV


50 ml of 10% glucose IV


1 mg glucagon IM or SC

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