Welcome to GPQuestPro, your ultimate destination for conquering the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) and Clinical Problem-Solving Test (CPST) in Ireland. We are a team of passionate doctors currently undergoing GP Training, and we’ve been exactly where you are now – preparing for the SJT and CPST exams. Our first-hand experience and understanding of the challenges faced during this crucial phase inspired us to create a specialised question bank, tailored specifically for the Irish GP exams.
At GPQuestPro, we recognise the significance of these exams in shaping your medical career, and we are dedicated to providing you with the most effective tools to succeed. Our question bank is designed to focus on key areas essential for the Irish GP exams, encompassing both clinical knowledge and crucial professional attributes and mimic the SJT & CPST exam. Each question is curated to reflect the Irish exam pattern, ensuring that you are fully prepared for what lies ahead.
Our user-friendly platform offers unlimited access to practice questions, case studies, and valuable resources that emulate the real exam scenarios. Additionally, we regularly update our question bank to keep you up-to-date with the latest guidelines and emerging medical advancements.
Our passion for supporting aspiring GP professionals drives us to deliver excellence in every aspect of your exam preparation journey. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and unlock your potential for success!
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