


1. Muscle aches
2. Proximal muscle weakness
3. General fatigue
4. Bone pain

Laboratory Findings:

1. Elevated alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
2. Low calcium
3. Low phosphate

Risk Factors:
i. Lack of sun exposure
ii. Poor dietary intake of vitamin D
iii. Sedentary lifestyle


Laboratory Tests:

i. Elevated ALP
ii. Low serum calcium and phosphate
iii. Low vitamin D levels


X-rays may show Looser’s zones (pseudofractures).

Bone Biopsy:
Confirmatory in uncertain cases, showing unmineralized osteoid.


i.Vitamin D Supplementation:
. High-dose vitamin D therapy (cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol).
. Maintenance doses of vitamin D once levels are corrected.

ii.Calcium Supplementation:
. To ensure adequate calcium intake and improve bone mineralization.

iii. Addressing Underlying Causes
iv. Encouraging safe sun exposure.
v. Improving dietary intake of vitamin D and calcium.


Differential Diagnosis Based on Laboratory Findings


Calcium (Ca) Levels Phosphate (PO4) Levels Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Levels Likely Diagnosis
Normal Normal Normal Osteoporosis
Normal Normal High Paget’s Disease
Low Low High Osteomalacia

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