Pregnancy Scans and Tests


1. Dating Scan (before 15 weeks)

. A routine ultrasound offered to all pregnant women to confirm the baby’s heartbeat, size, expected due date, and check for multiple pregnancies. Requires a full bladder for a clearer view, often conducted transabdominally or transvaginal if early (6-12 weeks).

2. Fetal Anatomy Scan (18-22 weeks)

. Also known as an anomaly scan, it assesses the baby’s development, detects birth defects, checks for the placenta’s position, and can sometimes determine the baby’s sex.

3. Screening Tests During Pregnancy

. Routine blood tests and ultrasounds to screen for chromosomal conditions, such as Down syndrome. Includes tests like Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS), commonly performed from 9-10 weeks.

4. Diagnostic Tests

Offered if screening results show high risk for chromosomal abnormalities:
. Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): Conducted between 11-14 weeks, involves sampling cells from the placenta.
. Amniocentesis: Performed after 15 weeks, involves taking a sample of amniotic fluid for genetic testing.

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