Developmental Milestones

Age GroupGross Motor Development MilestonesLimit Age for Milestone
New-bornLimbs flexed, symmetrical pattern

Marked head lag on pulling up

6-8 weeks Raises head to 45 degrees in prone (tummy-time)
6-8 monthsSits without support (initially with a round back, then with a straight back by 8 months)9 months
8-9 monthsCrawling
10 monthsStands independently

Cruises around furniture

12 monthsWalks unsteadily- a broad gait, with hands apart18 months
15 monthsWalks steadily
2.5 yearsRuns and jumps


Age GroupVision and Fine Motor Development MilestonesLimit Age for Milestone
6 weeksFollows moving object or face by turning the head (fixing and following)3 months
4 monthsReaches out for toys6 months
4-6 monthsPalmar grasp
7 monthsTransfers toys from one hand to another9 months
10 monthsMature pincer grip12 months
16-18 monthsMakes marks with crayons
14 months-4 yearsBrick building

Tower of three – 18 months

Tower of six – 2 years

Tower of eight or a train with four bricks – 2.5 years

Bridge (from a model) – 3 years

Steps (after demonstration) – 4 years

2-5 yearsPencil skills:

Line- 2 years,

Circle – 3 years,

Cross – 3.5 years,

Square – 4 years,

Triangle – 5 years

Drawing without seeing how it is done


Age GroupHearing, Speech, and Language Development Milestones
NewbornStartles to loud noises
3-4 monthsVocalises alone or when spoken to, coos and laughs “aa, aa”
7 monthsTurns to soft sounds out of sight, polysyllabic babble (“babababa, la/a/ala/a”)
7-10 monthsSounds used indiscriminately at 7 months; discriminately to parents at 10 months (“Dada, Mama”)
12 monthsTwo to three words other than ‘Dada’ or ‘Mama’, understands name “Drink”
18 months6-10 words; can show two parts of the body (“Where is your nose?”)
20-24 monthsJoins two or more words to make simple phrases (“Give me teddy”)
2.5-3 yearsTalks constantly in 3-4 word sentences; understands 2 joined commands (“Push me fast Daddy”)


Age GroupSocial, Emotional, and Behavioural Development MilestonesLimit Age
6 weeksSmiles responsively8 weeks
6-8 monthsPuts food in their mouth
10-12 monthsWaves bye-bye, plays peek-a-boo
12 monthsDrinks from a cup with two hands
18 monthsHolds spoon and gets food safely to mouth
18-24 monthsSymbolic play2 – 2.5 years
2 yearsToilet training: dry by day, Pulls off some clothing
2.5-3 yearsParallel play, Interactive play evolving, Takes turns

Note: ‘Limit age’ denotes the age by which most children should have achieved that milestone; if they haven’t, it may be a point of concern that warrants further evaluation.

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